[Gtk-sharp-list] Setting pixels colors of a Pixbuf
Stephane SOPPERA
Mon, 10 Mar 2003 11:33:44 +0100
>>>I am afraid that using byte [] might make a copy of the data, so we
>>>should probably use byte * as the return value.
>>Okay, yeah, this is an evil api to wrap. byte[] is probably going to
>>get us a copy, but dietmar is probably better equipped to answer that
>>than me.
>>One possible way to deal with this in a .Net friendly way would be to
>>create an opaque type that exposes an indexer and IEnumerable and
>>gets/sets individual items in the raw array. Kind of a MarshaledArray
>The indexer could be a type-safe version of it, but I still think that
>we should expose the `byte *' from the pixbuf. People who do image
>handling are very likely to be interested in getting the most
>performance out of it.
I agree: that would be usefull to me too ;-)
Stephane SOPPERA