[Gtk-sharp-list] Gtk# version 0.8 released
Daniel Morgan
Tue, 25 Feb 2003 19:40:53 -0500
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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This time, I have attached the .nsi for GTK# 0.8 named gtksharp.nsi
To create the GTK# 0.8 Windows Installer:
- I got the mono.nsi and used it as a starting point.
- I got the old gtk# 0.6 release 2 windows installer, and used the gtk+
binaries from there.
- I got pkgconfig and header files from the dev packages
at http://www.gimp.org/win32
so people can build gtk# from cvs later on if they like.
- in the gtksharp.nsi, the pkgconfig files are created with the correct
prefix if you were building gtk# yourself using cygwin. The nsis script for
by Hendri Adriaens was taken from the NSIS archives which was used by me
to change $INSTDIR from "C:\mono-0.20\install" to "C:/mono-0.20/install"
can be used in building on cygwin.
The original gtk# 0.6 release 2 windows installer included the cygwin1.dll,
so I did too.
Documentation on how to use NSIS can be found at:
NSIS Arhives can be found at:
-----Original Message-----
From: gtk-sharp-list-admin@lists.ximian.com
[mailto:gtk-sharp-list-admin@lists.ximian.com]On Behalf Of Daniel Morgan
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 10:11 AM
To: Mike Kestner; Charles Iliya Krempeaux
Cc: Gtk# Mailing List
Subject: RE: [Gtk-sharp-list] Gtk# version 0.8 released
Hello Mike,
Yes, Johannes and I are working on a Windows Installer for GTK# 0.8.
We are using NSIS (NullSoft Installer System)
instead of FreeExtractor now.
We are using their nightly version at:
It has scripting capabilities. Basically, you unzip the arhive somewhere,
you create your script, like mono.nsi, and you run it from
the command-line like:
makensis.exe mono.nsi
I'm basing the GTK# installer off the Mono 0.20 installer.
The GTK# installer will have the option to install the
pkgconfig files (atk.pc, etc...) and gtk+ header files too. This way, it
make it easier for people to later build gtk# from source or from cvs. :-)
Right now, I just need to figure out how to write a NSIS script
to change a path from C:\mono-0.20\install to C:/mono-0.20/install so
I can put that in the target of the pkgconfig files like atk.pc. Currently,
I'm creating the the pkgconfig files in $INSTALLDIR\lib\pkgconfig.
I'm also using the old Windows Installer for GTK# 0.6 for its gtk+ 2.0
-----Original Message-----
From: gtk-sharp-list-admin@lists.ximian.com
[mailto:gtk-sharp-list-admin@lists.ximian.com]On Behalf Of Mike Kestner
Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2003 12:42 AM
To: Charles Iliya Krempeaux
Cc: Gtk# Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Gtk-sharp-list] Gtk# version 0.8 released
On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 13:41, Charles Iliya Krempeaux wrote:
> The Gtk# website should probably be updated to reflect this.
> (It still says 0.7, as the newest release.)
I fixed that last night at around 3 in the morning, so I have no idea
why you were still seeing that at 1 PM today, unless you were viewing a
cached copy.
> It would also probably be nice (for end users) to get RPMs,
> DEBs, and a Win32 package for Gtk# also. (Do we still have
> people actively maintaining these packages?)
Of course it would be nice. Patience would be nice too. ;-) The
package providers for Gtk# are all volunteer, so give them a chance. I
am working on a RH8 RPM, but it won't happen tonight, because I need
some sleep after last night's marathon. I talked to alp and the debs
will no doubt be available soon if they aren't already. I don't know if
Daniel or Johannes are planning to provide win32 bins again, but I hope
someone will.
> Also, a link to the source code tarball should also probably
> be put on the homepage
The link you mentioned above (labeled "0.8") on the source tarballs line
is already a link to the source tarball.
> This is a good starting place for new end developers. (The website
> should probably mention that this is still a work in progress. But
> is still useful.)
A documentation page for the website would be good to have. Something
that explains how to get monodoc setup to view the new docs, perhaps an
online snapshot of the docs in html format, and of course links to the
tutorials would belong in there too. If anyone is willing to provide
some websmanship, I will happily add it to the website. If it's left up
to me, it probably won't happen very soon, unfortunately.
Mike Kestner <mkestner@speakeasy.net>
Gtk-sharp-list maillist - Gtk-sharp-list@lists.ximian.com
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: attachment;
; =
; gtksharp.nsi - GTK# Setup wizard for windows
; =
; (C) Copyright 2003 by Daniel Morgan
; Author: Daniel Morgan
; gtksharp.nsi is based on mono.nsi:
; (C) Copyright 2003 by Johannes Roith
; Author: Johannes Roith
; =
; This script can build a binary setup wizard of mono.
; It is released under the GNU GPL.
; =
; =
!define MILESTONE "0.8" ;
; =
; =
; 1. Build mono. The install directory must not contain
; anything - everything gets packed in!!!
; 2. Get latest nsis from cvs or a development snapshot
; from http://nsis.sf.net
; 3. Adapt the SOURCE_INSTALL_DIR below to match your=20
; install directory.
; 4. Open this script in makensisw.exe
; 5. The output file is mono-[MILESTONe]-stable.exe
; =
; =
; !define SOURCE_INSTALL_DIR "C:\mono-0.20\source\\*" ;
"F:\cygwin\home\DanielMorgan\monopkg\install\\*" ;
"F:\cygwin\home\DanielMorgan\gtksharppkg\\*" ;
; =
; Do not edit below
; =
; =
; =
!define NAME "GTK#" ;
!define TARGET_INSTALL_DIR "C:\mono-${MILESTONE}\install" ;
!define OUTFILE "gtk-sharp-${MILESTONE}-stable.exe" ;
; =
; =
!define MUI_PRODUCT "${NAME}"
!define MUI_UI "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\UIs\modern2.exe"
!define MUI_ICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Icons\setup.ico"
!define MUI_UNICON "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Icons\normal-uninstall.ico"
!include "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh"
!insertmacro MUI_SYSTEM
Name "gtk-sharp installer"
OutFile "../${OUTFILE}"
;original string is like C:\mono-0.20\install
StrCpy $5 $INSTDIR=20
Push $5
Push "\" ;search for this string
Push "/" ;replace with this string
Call StrReplace
;resulting string which is like C:/mono-0.20/install
Pop $6
; Write pkgconfig files
; =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D atk.pc =
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\lib\pkgconfig\atk.pc" "w"
FileWrite $0 "prefix=3D$6$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "exec_prefix=3D$${prefix}$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "libdir=3D$${exec_prefix}/lib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "includedir=3D$${prefix}/include$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Name: Atk$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Description: Accessibility Toolkit$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Version: 1.0.3$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Requires: gobject-2.0 gmodule-2.0$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Libs: -L$${libdir} -latk-1.0$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Cflags: -I$${includedir}/atk-1.0$\r$\n"
FileClose $0
; =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D gdk-2.0.pc =
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\lib\pkgconfig\gdk-2.0.pc" "w"
FileWrite $0 "prefix=3D$6$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "exec_prefix=3D$${prefix}$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "libdir=3D$${exec_prefix}/lib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "includedir=3D$${prefix}/include$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "target=3Dwin32$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Name: GDK$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Description: GIMP Drawing Kit (${target} target)$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Version: 2.0.7$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Requires: gdk-pixbuf-2.0 pangowin32$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Libs: -L$${libdir} -lgdk-${target}-2.0$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Cflags: -I$${includedir}/gtk-2.0 =
FileClose $0
; =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D gdk-pixbuf-2.0.pc =
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\lib\pkgconfig\gdk-pixbuf-2.0.pc" "w"
FileWrite $0 "prefix=3D$6$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "exec_prefix=3D$${prefix}$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "libdir=3D$${exec_prefix}/lib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "includedir=3D$${prefix}/include$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Name: GdkPixbuf$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Description: Image loading and scaling$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Version: 2.0.7$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Requires: gobject-2.0,gmodule-2.0$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Libs: -L$${libdir} -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Cflags: -I$${includedir}/gtk-2.0$\r$\n"
FileClose $0
; =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D gdk-win32-2.0.pc =
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\lib\pkgconfig\gdk-win32-2.0.pc" "w"
FileWrite $0 "prefix=3D$6$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "exec_prefix=3D$${prefix}$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "libdir=3D$${exec_prefix}/lib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "includedir=3D$${prefix}/include$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "target=3Dwin32$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Name: GDK$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Description: GIMP Drawing Kit (${target} target)$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Version: 2.0.7$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Requires: gdk-pixbuf-2.0 pangowin32$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Libs: -L$${libdir} -lgdk-${target}-2.0$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Cflags: -I$${includedir}/gtk-2.0 =
FileClose $0
; =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D glib-2.0.pc =
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\lib\pkgconfig\glib-2.0.pc" "w"
FileWrite $0 "prefix=3D$6$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "exec_prefix=3D$${prefix}$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "libdir=3D$${exec_prefix}/lib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "includedir=3D$${prefix}/include$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "glib_genmarshal=3Dglib-genmarshal$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "gobject_query=3Dgobject-query$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "glib_mkenums=3Dglib-mkenums$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Name: GLib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Description: C Utility Library$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Version: 2.0.7$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Libs: -L$${libdir} -lglib-2.0 -lintl -liconv $\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Cflags: -I$${includedir}/glib-2.0 =
-I${libdir}/glib-2.0/include $\r$\n"
FileClose $0
; =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D gmodule-2.0.pc =
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\lib\pkgconfig\gmodule-2.0.pc" "w"
FileWrite $0 "prefix=3D$6$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "exec_prefix=3D$${prefix}$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "libdir=3D$${exec_prefix}/lib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "includedir=3D$${prefix}/include$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "gmodule_supported=3Dtrue$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Name: GModule$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Description: Dynamic module loader for GLib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Requires: glib-2.0$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Version: 2.0.7$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Libs: -L$${libdir} -lgmodule-2.0 $\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Cflags:$$\r$\n"
FileClose $0
; =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D gobject-2.0.pc =
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\lib\pkgconfig\gobject-2.0.pc" "w"
FileWrite $0 "prefix=3D$6$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "exec_prefix=3D$${prefix}$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "libdir=3D$${exec_prefix}/lib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "includedir=3D$${prefix}/include$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Name: GObject$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Description: GLib Type, Object, Parameter and Signal =
FileWrite $0 "Requires: glib-2.0$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Version: 2.0.7$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Libs: -L$${libdir} -lgobject-2.0$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Cflags:$\r$\n"
FileClose $0
; =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D gthread-2.0.pc =
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\lib\pkgconfig\gthread-2.0.pc" "w"
FileWrite $0 "prefix=3D$6$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "exec_prefix=3D$${prefix}$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "libdir=3D$${exec_prefix}/lib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "includedir=3D$${prefix}/include$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Name: GThread$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Description: Thread support for GLib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Requires: glib-2.0$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Version: 2.0.7$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Libs: -L$${libdir} -lgthread-2.0 $\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Cflags: -D_REENTRANT$\r$\n"
FileClose $0
; =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D gtk+-2.0.pc =
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\lib\pkgconfig\gtk+-2.0.pc" "w"
FileWrite $0 "prefix=3D$6$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "exec_prefix=3D$${prefix}$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "libdir=3D$${exec_prefix}/lib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "includedir=3D$${prefix}/include$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "target=3Dwin32$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "gtk_binary_version=3D2.0.0$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "gtk_host=3Di386-pc-mingw32$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Name: GTK+$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Description: GIMP Tool Kit (${target} target)$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Version: 2.0.7$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Requires: gdk-${target}-2.0 atk$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Libs: -L$${libdir} -lgtk-${target}-2.0 $\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Cflags: -I$${includedir}/gtk-2.0 $\r$\n"
FileClose $0
; =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D gtk+-win32-2.0.pc =
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\lib\pkgconfig\gtk+-win32-2.0.pc" "w"
FileWrite $0 "prefix=3D$6$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "exec_prefix=3D$${prefix}$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "libdir=3D$${exec_prefix}/lib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "includedir=3D$${prefix}/include$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "target=3Dwin32$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "gtk_binary_version=3D2.0.0$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "gtk_host=3Di386-pc-mingw32$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Name: GTK+$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Description: GIMP Tool Kit (${target} target)$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Version: 2.0.7$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Requires: gdk-${target}-2.0 atk$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Libs: -L$${libdir} -lgtk-${target}-2.0 $\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Cflags: -I$${includedir}/gtk-2.0 $\r$\n"
FileClose $0
; =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D libintl.pc =
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\lib\pkgconfig\libintl.pc" "w"
FileWrite $0 "prefix=3D$6$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "exec_prefix=3D$${prefix}$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "libdir=3D$${exec_prefix}/lib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "includedir=3D$${prefix}/include$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Name: libintl$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Description: The intl library from GNU gettext$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Version: 0.10.40-tml$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Libs: -L$${libdir} -lintl$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Cflags: -I$${includedir}$\r$\n"
FileClose $0
; =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D mono.pc =
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\lib\pkgconfig\mono.pc" "w"
FileWrite $0 "prefix=3D$6$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "exec_prefix=3D$${prefix}$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "libdir=3D$${exec_prefix}/lib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "includedir=3D$${prefix}/include$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Name: Mono$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Description: Mono Runtime$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Version: 0.20$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Requires: glib-2.0 gmodule-2.0$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Libs: -L$${libdir} -lmono -lm$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Cflags: -I$${includedir} $\r$\n"
FileClose $0
; =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D pango.pc =
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\lib\pkgconfig\pango.pc" "w"
FileWrite $0 "prefix=3D$6$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "exec_prefix=3D$${prefix}$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "libdir=3D$${exec_prefix}/lib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "includedir=3D$${prefix}/include$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "pango_module_version=3D1.0.0$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Name: Pango$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Description: Internationalized text handling$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Version: 1.0.4$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Requires: glib-2.0,gobject-2.0,gmodule-2.0$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Libs: -L$${libdir} -lpango-1.0$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Cflags: -I$${includedir}/pango-1.0$\r$\n"
FileClose $0
; =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D pangoft2.pc =
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\lib\pkgconfig\pangoft2.pc" "w"
FileWrite $0 "prefix=3D$6$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "exec_prefix=3D$${prefix}$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "libdir=3D$${exec_prefix}/lib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "includedir=3D$${prefix}/include$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Name: Pango FT2$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Description: Freetype 2.0 font support for Pango$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Version: 1.0.4$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Requires: pango$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Libs: -L$${libdir} -lpangoft2-1.0 $\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Cflags: -I$${includedir}/pango-1.0 -Ii:/target/include =
FileClose $0
; =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D pangowin32.pc =
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\lib\pkgconfig\pangowin32.pc" "w"
FileWrite $0 "prefix=3D$6$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "exec_prefix=3D$${prefix}$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "libdir=3D$${exec_prefix}/lib$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "includedir=3D$${prefix}/include$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Name: Pango Win32$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Description: Win32 GDI font support for Pango$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Version: 1.0.4$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Requires: pango$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Libs: -L$${libdir} -lpangowin32-1.0 -lgdi32$\r$\n"
FileWrite $0 "Cflags: -I$${includedir}/pango-1.0$\r$\n"
FileClose $0
; =3D=3D=3D=3D section end =3D=3D=3D=3D
; function StrReplace
; by Hendri Adriaens
; HendriAdriaens@hotmail.com
; found in the NSIS Archives
function StrReplace
Exch $0 ;this will replace wrong characters
Exch $1 ;needs to be replaced
Exch 2
Exch $2 ;the orginal string
Push $3 ;counter
Push $4 ;temp character
Push $5 ;temp string
Push $6 ;length of string that need to be replaced
Push $7 ;length of string that will replace
Push $R0 ;tempstring
Push $R1 ;tempstring
Push $R2 ;tempstring
StrCpy $3 "-1"
StrCpy $5 ""
StrLen $6 $1
StrLen $7 $0
IntOp $3 $3 + 1
StrCpy $4 $2 $6 $3
StrCmp $4 "" ExitLoop
StrCmp $4 $1 Replace
Goto Loop
StrCpy $R0 $2 $3
IntOp $R2 $3 + $6
StrCpy $R1 $2 "" $R2
StrCpy $2 $R0$0$R1
IntOp $3 $3 + $7
Goto Loop
StrCpy $0 $2
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Pop $R0
Pop $7
Pop $6
Pop $5
Pop $4
Pop $3
Pop $2
Pop $1
Exch $0
; =3D=3D=3D=3D End of Script =3D=3D=3D