[Gtk-sharp-list] Beginning with Glade-sharp.
J.Manrique Lopez
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 01:16:40 +0100 (CET)
--- fd <fd0h1440@yahoo.co.uk> escribió:
> The problem is that woody is getting a little long
> in the tooth and
> doesn't come with many of the dependencies that
> non-core Gtk# bindings
> need. For example, the libraries for the Gtk+ 2.0
> Glade and GNOME 2.0
> aren't in woody, so we can't depend on them.
Yes, maybe, but if have understood right, you can
develop gtk# using Glade-2 and libglade.. To compile
Glade-2 I have needed most of (maybe all) Gnome-2 dev
packages, so most of dependencies are there.
The problem for me is, how to develp "easy and fast"
if Glade# supported in Woody?
> Having said this, there are a number of unofficial
> GNOME 2.2
> repositories becoming available, including one at
> debianplanet.org. Once
> the dust settles down, it might be possible to
> depend on the GNOME
> library versions from this archive, but there would
> have to be more
> evidence that people really do want Glade# and
> Gnome# bindings on woody.
Well, I am not sure if people want Glade# in Woody or
not, but without it gtk# development is not the same.
> Of course, the complete set of bindings is always
> available if you
> switch to sid..
As I said before, I would like staying in Woody. The
Gnome2 packages I am using are from Gustavo Noronha as
is explained here:
J.Manrique Lopez de la Fuente http://www.asturlinux.org/~jsmanrique
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