[Gtk-sharp-list] [Fwd: Re: cygwin & gtk]
Gonzalo Paniagua Javier
04 Feb 2003 15:10:57 +0100
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For people using cygwin + gcc 3...
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From: TORRI Vincent <Vincent.Torri@math.u-bordeaux.fr>
To: Sergey Zhitomirsky <szh@dgap-gw.mipt.ru>
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Subject: Re: cygwin & gtk
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On Tue, 4 Feb 2003, Sergey Zhitomirsky wrote:
> Hello
> Can somebody help me
> I'm unable to run even the following small Gtk program under cygwin
> #include <gtk/gtk.h>
> int main (int argc, char *argv[])
> {
> gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
> // gtk_main();
> return 1;
> }
> It compiles & links well
> gcc m.c -o m `pkg-config --cflags gtk+-2.0` `pkg-config --libs gtk+-2.0`
> but when I try to run it I always receive:
> 5 [unknown (0x164)] ? 636 cygheap_fixup_in_child: Couldn't reserve space
> for cygwin's heap (0x615C0000 <0xAA0000>) in child, Win32 error 487
> E:\cygwin\home\m.exe: *** m.AllocationBase 0x0, m.BaseAddress 0x615C0000,
> m.RegionSize 0x80000, m.State 0x10000
> Am I doing something wrong ?
>From the gtk win32 homepage :
With gcc, you should use the -mno-cygwin and -fnative-struct flags (in gcc
3.x, instead of -fnative-struct use -mms-bitfields)
Vincent TORRI
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TORRI Vincent
Mathematiques Appliquees Bordeaux
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