[Gtk-sharp-list] Need Help installing GTK# on Windows

jmozelesky@netcarrier.com jmozelesky@netcarrier.com
Mon, 22 Dec 2003 15:22:56 -0500 (EST)

You shouldn't have to copy the DLL's to where your exe is.  Just make sure
the DLL's are in your path before compiling.  Alternatively, you can
specify the path to the dll's in the -r: argument.  It worked for me....

i.e.:  mcs GTKtest.cs -r:\path\to\dlls\gtk-sharp.dll

> On December 19, 2003 07:31 pm, Andrew Madigan wrote:
>> I'm trying to use the Mono Compiler with GTK# on Windows 2000. The
>> compiler works fine with console programs, but, even after installing
>> the GTK# twice, it doesn't seem to be able to compile GTK# programs, I
>> copied a tutorial right of the Mono website, and I get the following
> error:
>>  >mcs GTKtest.cs -r:gtk-sharp
>> error CS0006: Cannot find assembly `gtk-sharp'
> I think you need to put the gtk-sharp dll in the same directory as your
> executable.  Along with all other GTK dlls (and pango and whatever else
> GTK installs).   At least thats the only way I got it to work.....
> Leo
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