[Gtk-sharp-list] Need Help installing GTK# on Windows
Andrew Madigan
Fri, 19 Dec 2003 22:31:05 -0500
I'm trying to use the Mono Compiler with GTK# on Windows 2000. The
compiler works fine with console programs, but, even after installing
the GTK# twice, it doesn't seem to be able to compile GTK# programs, I
copied a tutorial right of the Mono website, and I get the following error:
>mcs GTKtest.cs -r:gtk-sharp
error CS0006: Cannot find assembly `gtk-sharp'
=== Pre-bind state information ===
LOG: Where-ref bind. Location =
LOG: Appbase = C:\Program Files\Mono-0.28\bin\
LOG: Initial PrivatePath = NULL
Calling assembly : (Unknown).
LOG: Policy not being applied to reference at this time (private,
custom, partial, or location-based assembly bind).
LOG: Attempting download of new URL
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warnings
What I'm really confused about is what directory should I be installing
GTK# to, in what order should I install Mono and GTK#? I've tried
running cygwin and it doesn't work on my machine, so compiling from
source isn't an option. I'm sure this sounds like a noobie question but
I've looked through all the info I could find, and they all seemed to
say simply "install the GTK#" w/o saying precisely how. Someone please
help me!