[Gtk-sharp-list] Clipboard
Daniel Kornhauser
Mon, 15 Dec 2003 22:15:28 -0500
If you are talking about a TextBuffer Widget, you have to instance your
static Clipboard clipboard;
clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.Get (Atom.Intern("CLIPBOARD", false));
and in the following code buffer stands for a TextBuffer instance.
public void OnPaste (object o, EventArgs args)
buffer.PasteClipboard (clipboard);
public void OnCopy (object o, EventArgs args)
buffer.CopyClipboard (clipboard);
public void OnCut(object o, EventArgs args)
buffer.CutClipboard (clipboard, true);
Note : This only works with text, I don't think it works with anchors
(images, and other widgets).
Have fun.
On Mon, 2003-12-15 at 19:05, Met @ Uber wrote:
> How do I put something into the clipboard (copy) in Gtk# so that another
> program can make use of it (paste) ?
> ~ Matthew
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