[Gtk-sharp-list] Gtk# type problem

Kris Luyten kris.luyten@luc.ac.be
Tue, 26 Aug 2003 15:45:36 +0200

[This mail was also sent to mono-list, my apologies for duplicates]

I am trying to write a UIML (http://www.uiml.org) renderer using Mono
and Gtk#. I need to inherit from Gtk.Window, but I keep getting this
type of error (gtk assertion):
(<unknown>:1462): Gtk-CRITICAL **: file gtkwindow.c: line 953
(gtk_window_set_title): assertion `GTK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed

This happens when I try to execute:
m_topWindow = new GtkRenderedInstance();
m_topWindow.Title = "Uiml container"; <<< the assertion happens here.

The class definition of GtkRenderedInstance is (very simple):
namespace Uiml.Rendering.GTKsharp

	using Gtk;
	using GtkSharp;

	public class GtkRenderedInstance : Window, IRenderedInstance{
		public GtkRenderedInstance()

		public GtkRenderedInstance(string title) : base(title)

		public void ShowIt(){

Am I doing something wrong here

Kris Luyten
Expertisecentrum Digitale Media - Limburgs Universitair Centrum
Wetenschapspark 2  3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium)
tel.: +32 (0)11 268411
email: kris.luyten@luc.ac.be
PGP-key: http://lumumba.luc.ac.be/kris/kris-pub.txt
homepage: http://lumumba.luc.ac.be/kris/