[Gtk-sharp-list] TreeView & Glade on win32 via .NET
20 Apr 2003 21:02:15 +0200
Before answer, I have a question about getting the cursor in a TreeView.
In gtk+ we have in GtkTreeView this
void gtk_tree_view_get_cursor(
GtkTreeView *tree_view,
GtkTreePath **path,
GtkTreeViewColumn **focus_column);
Fills in path and focus_column with the current path and focus column.
If the cursor isn't currently set, then *path will be NULL.
If no column currently has focus, then *focus_column will be NULL.
In gtk# gapi traduces it with:
public void GetCursor(Gtk.TreePath path,
Gtk.TreeViewColumn focus_column)
Is this the correct traduction for pointers to pointers (**)?
With this code I have to create new TreePath and a new TreeViewColumn,
which will point to another path and column after the funcion (see
Why don't use references ?
If I use GetCursor I have a System.NullReferenceException:
System.NullReferenceException: A null value was found where an object
instance was required
in (unmanaged) 06 Gtk.ListStore:gtk_tree_model_get_iter
in <0x00004> 06 Gtk.ListStore:gtk_tree_model_get_iter
in <0x00042> 00 Gtk.ListStore:GetIter (Gtk.TreeIter&,Gtk.TreePath)
in <0x0012c> 00 .MultimediaTagger:TabPressed
This is the code
void TabPressed(object o, KeyPressEventArgs args)
Gdk.EventKey key = args.Event;
if(key.keyval == ((uint)Gdk.Key.Tab))
TreeIter iter;
TreeView tree = (TreeView) o;
// I have to create new objects
TreePath path = new TreePath();
TreeViewColumn col = new TreeViewColumn();
tree.Model.GetIter(out iter,path);
catch(System.Exception e)
--------------------- THE ANSWER ----------------------
If you want to have two columns (one with a pixbuf and a label and the
other with a label), you have to do this:
note: columnId.Icon == ColumnId.Name
//Don't use Pixbuf type !!!
store = new TreeStore((int)TypeFundamentals.TypeString,
tvFriendsLists = new TreeView(store); // Or tvFriendLists.Model = store, as you like
//the first column
TreeViewColumn labelColumn = new TreeViewColumn();
labelColumn.Title = "Friends";
CellRenderer iconRenderer = new CellRendererPixbuf();
labelColumn.PackStart(iconRenderer, false);
//Don't use this, if you use it, it will display a warning.
//labelColumn.AddAttribute(iconRenderer, "pixbuf", (int)ColumnId.Icon);
CellRenderer labelRenderer = new CellRendererText();
labelColumn.PackStart(labelRenderer, true);
labelColumn.AddAttribute(labelRenderer, "text", (int)ColumnId.Name);
//Add the SetCellDataFunc (see down)
// let's build the column that stores the JIDs
TreeViewColumn labelColumn2 = new TreeViewColumn();
labelColumn2.Title = "JID";
CellRenderer labelRenderer2 = new CellRendererText();
labelColumn2.PackStart(labelRenderer2, true);
labelColumn2.AddAttribute(labelRenderer2, "text", (int)ColumnId.JID);
//Now you can add a node
TreeModel model;
TreeIter parent = TreeIter.Zero, iter;
TreeSelection selection = tvFriendsList.Selection;
if (null != selection && selection.GetSelected(out model, ref parent))
store.Append(out iter, parent);
store.Append(out iter);
//Only add the text
//store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnId.Icon,
// new Value(new Gdk.Pixbuf("test.png")));
store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnId.Name, new Value("Simon"));
store.SetValue(iter, (int)ColumnId.JID, new Value("simon@wherever.com"));
Now we have to add the correct pixbuf to each cell. You have to use
I'm working on a MP3-Ogg 'Tagger', and solved it with something like
1) Declare a delegate function
TreeCellDataFunc SetPixbufDelegate = new TreeCellDataFunc(SetPixbuf);
2) Asign this function to the TreeViewColumn
3) The function (this is the function I use)
static void SetPixbuf(TreeViewColumn tree_column, CellRenderer cell,
TreeModel tree_model, TreeIter iter)
GLib.Value mime;
Gdk.Pixbuf pixbuf;
tree_model.GetValue(iter,9,out mime);
cell.SetProperty("pixbuf", new Value(pixbuf));
McP <mariano.cano@hispalinux.es>