[Gtk-sharp-list] Fifteen.exe throws System.ArgumentNullException

Calum Shaw-Mackay calum.shaw-mackay@virgin.net
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 12:14:26 +0000

Hi  -
I'm just getting started with Mono and gtk#, however I seem to have hit 
a brick wall.

When I run the fifteen.exe image, as soon as I move the mouse over the 
game board, the program exits
with the following message.

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null
Parameter name: type
in <0x00043> 00 System.Activator:CreateInstance(System.Type,bool)
in <0x00114> 00 GnomeSharp.boolObjectEventSignal:boolObjectEventCallback 
in <0x00027> 05 GnomeSharp.boolObjectEventSignal:boolObjectEventCallback 
in (unmanaged) 06 Gtk.Application:gtk_main()
in <0x00005> 06 Gtk.Application:gtk_main()
in [0x0024d] (ar ?/usr/local/gtk-sharp-0.5/sample/Fifteen.cs:76) 00 

Any ideas?

I'm running Mandrake 8.2

Thanks in advance
