[Gtk-sharp-list] Did I build GTK# on Rotor (aka Sared SourceCLI .NET)?

Benjamin Voigt egal@icu.unizh.ch
Tue, 18 Jun 2002 16:48:44 +0200


I Will be on that (bug+patch for bsd/rotor) shortly... But just where
is the bugzilla/cvs for gtk#?

And yes, I have been using 0.1 since thats what is on the source
forge page....

Saludos ben
- --
Benjamin Voigt
PGP: http://pgpkeys.mit.edu

> -----Original Message-----
> From: gtk-sharp-list-admin@ximian.com 
> [mailto:gtk-sharp-list-admin@ximian.com] On Behalf Of Mike Kestner
> Sent: Dienstag, 18. Juni 2002 17:35
> To: Benjamin Voigt
> Cc: gtk-sharp-list@ximian.com
> Subject: Re: [Gtk-sharp-list] Did I build GTK# on Rotor (aka 
> Sared SourceCLI .NET)?
> On Tue, 2002-06-11 at 08:38, Benjamin Voigt wrote:
> > The clix (application launcher) broke on the binaries 
> samples "Unable 
> > to load DLL (gtk-x11-2.0)", which made me wounder, since 
> freebsd does 
> > not have dlls... Any how, I guess it was looking for the shared 
> > objects, which, should be installed (libgtk-x11-2.0.so is in 
> > /usr/X11R6/lib and I did ldconfig... Severaltimes...).
> The mono runtime has logic to look for .so dynamic libs.  I 
> have no experience with rotor and how its DllImport mechanism 
> works.  If it requires the full library name (with .so 
> extension) then this may need to be handled via some 
> attribute magic to map the library names for bsd/rotor.  
> There is going to need to be some similar mapping done to the 
> libgtk-win32* lib names.
> > Anyhow, I thought it must be compiled to get it working... 
> Which made 
> > me write the make files (see attchment) to compile with Rotor. I 
> > essentialy added my path to csc changed the /recurse option to 
> > something I could use and removed the /unsafe switch, since I
> > could  not finde any unsafe code ... Finaly it did compile, after
> I actually 
> > had to change some code (You will notice the changes in 
> glib/Values.cs 
> > line 121). So fare so good... As fare as I'm concerned, it does 
> > compile on unix...
> Thanks for looking into this.
> > P.S.:
> > Please excuse me not including diff's I need to get used to 
> diff and 
> > patch again... It has been some time since I had to use them :)
> It would be a big help if you could send me a diff, or open a 
> bug in bugzilla and post the diff there.  Also, I haven't had 
> a chance to unpack the attached tarball, but the name 
> suggests that you were hacking on the 0.1 release tree.  If 
> that's the case, the build system has changed a lot since 
> that release, so reworking the patch against current cvs 
> would help too.  
> Thanks,
> Mike
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