[Gtk-sharp-list] Idea: ToString() methods

Jasper van Putten jaspervp@gmx.net
Thu, 15 Aug 2002 00:42:22 +0200

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Is something like this good?

Content-Type: text/x-c++src;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Color.custom"

// Gdk.Color.custom - Gdk Color class customizations
// Author: Jasper van Putten <Jaspervp@gmx.net>
// (c) 2002 Jasper van Putten
// This code is inserted after the automatically generated code.

		/// <summary>
		/// ToString method
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// returns a string representation of this color
		/// </remarks>

	public override string ToString(){
		return "Gdk.Color, pixel:" + this.pixel+",red:"+this.red+",green:"+this.green +",blue:"+this.blue;


Content-Type: text/x-c++src;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Point.custom"

// Gdk.Point.custom - Gdk Point class customizations
// Author: Jasper van Putten <Jaspervp@gmx.net>
// (c) 2002 Jasper van Putten
// This code is inserted after the automatically generated code.

		/// <summary>
		/// ToString method
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// returns a string representation of this point
		/// </remarks>

	public override string ToString(){
		return "Gdk.Point, x:" + this.x+",y:"+this.y;


Content-Type: text/x-c++src;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Rectangle.custom"

// Gdk.Point.Rectangle - Gdk Rectangle class customizations
// Author: Jasper van Putten <Jaspervp@gmx.net>
// (c) 2002 Jasper van Putten
// This code is inserted after the automatically generated code.

		/// <summary>
		/// ToString method
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// returns a string representation of this Rectangle
		/// </remarks>

	public override string ToString(){
		return "Gdk.Rectangle, x:" + this.x+",y:"+this.y+",width:"+this.width +",height:"+this.height;


Content-Type: text/x-c++src;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="DeviceAxis.custom"

// Gdk.Point.DeviceAxis - Gdk DeviceAxis class customizations
// Author: Jasper van Putten <Jaspervp@gmx.net>
// (c) 2002 Jasper van Putten
// This code is inserted after the automatically generated code.

		/// <summary>
		/// ToString method
		/// </summary>
		/// <remarks>
		/// returns a string representation of this DeviceAxis
		/// </remarks>

	public override string ToString(){
		return "Gdk.DeviceAxis, max:" + this.max+",min:"+this.min;

