[Gtk-sharp-list] Can mcs compile programs against gtk-sharp?
Michael Torrie
06 Apr 2002 11:07:37 -0700
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On Sat, 2002-04-06 at 11:02, Michael Torrie wrote:
> I do have the dlls compiled on windows. The gtk-hello-world.exe program
> now runs on linux. However when I recompile the source code (the exact
> same source code that gtk-hello-world.exe was compiled from), I get an
> error that says Gtk.Window does not contain a "DeleteEvent" member.=20
> This is clearly not true, since I can see the DeleteEvent in the source
> code for gtksharp. It's right there defined as an event. Perhaps mcs
> cannot compile this stuff yet. I'll compile with csc, I suppose.
Just to be clear, I'm talking about the HelloWorld.cs sample program
here. I can't get it to recompile on mcs on linux with the gtk-sharp
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