[Group-leaders] Xamarin Group Sponsorship Update!

James Montemagno james.montemagno at xamarin.com
Wed Feb 5 22:00:36 UTC 2014

Hey Xamarin Group Leaders,

Over the past few weeks, Joseph and I have been collaborating on new
sponsorship programs for Xamarin developer groups.  We've shared some of
this with you in the past, but now we think we're ready to get this
initiative up and running.  We'll be posting an announcement about this in
the morning on the Xamarin blog, but wanted to make sure that we shared
these details with you all first.

The blog post will share a lot of the details about new and updated
material I've been working on for presenters and group leaders, but the
most relevant part of the announcement for each of you will probably be our
sponsorship program itself.

There are two parts to the sponsorship program.  First, you need to sign up
using this form:


Second, as your groups meet each month, we're going to ask that you share
some details about how your meeting went by filling out this form:


Continuous participation in the event feedback survey will unlock even more
AWESOME resources and swag to give away at your events.

We look forward to helping your groups grow in the coming year.  If you
have any suggestions or feedback for these programs, please let me know.



James Montemagno
Developer Evangelist, Xamarin Inc.
@JamesMontemagno <http://www.twitter.com/jamesmontemagno>

*Microsoft and Xamarin Partner Globally.  **Learn
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