[Glade-users] filechooserdialog

Juan Pablo Ugarte juanpablougarte at gmail.com
Wed Apr 30 15:12:36 UTC 2014

On Tue, 2014-04-22 at 19:20 -0400, Ian Chapman wrote:
> How do I get to this second stage without going through the first
> redundant stage? Putting the functionality of filechooserbutton1 into
> file/open would be handy. I can send you my files if anyone would like
> to sort out what I'm doing wrong. I've added two files that demo what
> I'm seeing.

GtkFileChooserButton is a button that will open a GtkFileChooserDialog
when you click it!

if you want to open a file chooser dialog from a menu item you can show
a dialog you created in glade in the callback or simply use
gtk_file_chooser_dialog_new() and gtk_dialog_run() functions directly.

hope this helps


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