[Glade-users] Glade 3.14.1 NYC release Released!

Juan Pablo Ugarte juanpablougarte at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 00:15:49 UTC 2012

Glade 3.14.1 aka New York City Release, is the first bug fix release
in the series.

It features an important bug fix where some properties in GtkButton
where not editable.

This version of Glade depends on GTK+ 3.6.0, targets GTK+ >= 3.0 and
is parallel installable with Glade 3.8.

If you need to work with Glade projects that target GTK+2, you need an
installation of Glade 3.8 (more information on

What is Glade?
Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick & easy development of user
interfaces for the GTK+ toolkit and the GNOME desktop environment.
The user interfaces designed in Glade are saved as XML, and by using
the GtkBuilder GTK+ object these can be loaded by applications
dynamically as needed.

By using GtkBuilder, Glade XML files can be used in numerous
programming languages including C, C++, C#, Vala, Java, Perl,
Python, and others.

Glade 3.14.1

	- Fixed bug in GtkButton custom editor properties sensitivity
	  bug #685816 "Widget attributes editing broken"
	- Render bg in GladeDesignLayout and GladeDesignView
	- Removed use of custon style providers. Fixes color problems in adwaita themes

New and updated translations
	- Alexander Shopov (bg)
	- Carles Ferrando (ca at valencia)
	- Christian Kirbach (de)
	- Gil Forcada (ca)
	- Marek Černocký (cs)
	- Rūdolfs Mazurs (lv)
	- Yuri Myasoedov (ru)

Where can I get it ?


Direct download
http://download.gnome.org/sources/glade/3.14/glade-3.14.1.tar.xz (2.39M)
  sha256sum: 8484b62c7a4579ea3e5d98200b397a1baf0b621c0b0c70242ee1dbbe449eae20

For more information on the Glade project see our home page
at http://glade.gnome.org/

        Juan Pablo

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