[Glade-users] potential bug?

Arthur Shats ashats at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 11 14:58:01 EDT 2010

Never my question bellow. I figured out what's going on and it seems to be a bug in Glade.
I am using Glade-2 which I believe is not supported anymore, but just in case the same happening in Glade-3.
When I create a GtkComboBoxEntry in Glade-2, 'items' translatable property is checked automatically and when I save the project, I would expect .glade file to have the following line:  
<property name="items" transaltable="yes"></property>
However, if you haven't touched the 'items' property in Glade-2, the above line would not get generated and the widget would not be treated as GtkComboBoxEntry (it would complain that it can't add an item to the comboBox entry and other errors). The way around it is to uncheck, then check again the items translatable property in Glade. That way, the above line would be added to .glade file.
Again, this is in Glade-2. I am not using Glade-3, so don't know if the problem propagated there as well. If somebody could check how it works in Glade-3 and file a bug report if there is a problem, it would be a favor to other people who may encounter this in the future. I spent hours trying to figure out what's going on, when I was trying to add items to the comboBox inside my python code.
Just thought I would mention this.


From: ashats at hotmail.com
To: glade-users at lists.ximian.com
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2010 21:08:52 +0000
Subject: [Glade-users] gtk.ListStore( ) question

I have two windows created in Glade. Each window has a GtkComboBoxEntry also created in Glade. In my Python code, on the 1st window I fill the box with items using gtk.ListStore:
store = gtk.ListStore(str)
All is fine. Then I hide this window, and show my window #2 which has its own GtkComboBoxEntry and I fill it exactly the same way (only the box name is different, myComboBoxTwo). When I execute the code, the box on the 1st window is OK, but when I go to the next window and click on the box arrow, the list is empty, but it does seem to have the space for three items. It's like I need to do myComboBoxTwo.show(), but even if I add this line, the list is still empty. And when I click on the empty space, it gives me a warning, "gtk_entry_set_text: assertion `text != NULL' failed"
Any idea why the list is empty and how to fix it?
I have a separate function where I fill the list. And I call the function right before I call myWindow2.show(). I tried calling the func before and after myWindow2.show(), but still the list is empty. I tried to do myWindow2.show_all(), but still empty.

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