[Glade-users] Glade with python

francesco at promotux.it francesco at promotux.it
Fri Nov 26 18:59:39 EST 2010

Il 27/11/2010 00:47, Hamid ha scritto:
> Thank you for your help Bill,
> But I want to use Glade as GUI Builder and its XML file to create my 
> GUI, don't want to directly write code for GUI building.
> When I use glade XML file, For example, likely I have not access to a 
> button's connect function to handle his signal.
> And so, In this case how can I handling signals correctly ?
> Tried to use "glc" for automated signal handling, but give me some errors
> http://glc.sourceforge.net
> On Fri, Nov 26, 2010 at 6:31 AM, Bill O'Connor <billyoc at gmail.com 
> <mailto:billyoc at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hamid <hamid.r1988 at gmail.com <mailto:hamid.r1988 at gmail.com>> writes:
>     > evereything was good with glade, Then write a python script and
>     handle
>     > signals.
>     That tutorial script uses self.wTree.signal_autoconnect( dic ),
>     which is
>     a cheap way to get signal handling.  Don't do that.  Look at this
>     script
>     for an example of a signal handler and how to connect it.
>     http://www.pygtk.org/pygtk2tutorial/examples/helloworld.py
> -- 
> My Public PGP Key: http://tinyurl.com/hamid-pgp
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> Glade-users maillist  -Glade-users at lists.ximian.com
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I adapted this simplegladewrapper to gtk.Builder


maybe it can ispire you .

After that i can access to signal by a self.signaloftheobject



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