[Glade-users] [Fwd: Re: XML to Source Code?]

José Félix Ontañón felixonta at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 18:21:18 EST 2010

El día 25 de febrero de 2010 17:39, Tristan Van Berkom
<tristan.van.berkom at gmail.com> escribió:
> 2010/2/25 José Félix Ontañón <felixonta at gmail.com>:
> [...]
>> Well Alexey, maybe my widgets are not designed for re-use them in
>> other projects.
>> Think about a sublclass of gtk.StatusIcon with clic-events captured
>> and some menus, i don't think publish as a library would be
>> interesting for no one. Don't you think?
> Hi,
>    its perfectly normal to write widgets as part of your project
> that are not intended for distribution, i.e. they are not
> intended for use in other projects.
> I think its even becoming a more popular coding practice
> to encode application logic into derived screen objects, which
> is why I would really like to add some UI magic to Glade
> to help automate the procedure of deriving widgets to be
> implemented in your code...
> That being said; I think the best practice for this context
> of application-use only widgets is to simply include a catalog
> in your project repository and distribution tarballs, probably
> in the same directory you store your glade file(s), and you
> might include a note somewhere about having to use
> the GLADE_CATALOG_PATH ... (hopefully Glade will
> eventually automatically load catalogs that the glade file
> depends on from a relative directory or same directory).
> Cheers,
>        -Tristan

Thanks again Tristan, it sounds rather well.
I use to build my own debian packages for distribute my apps too.
I think put the catalog file under /usr/share/my_app/ with the other glade
files it's the bet approach, isn't?

It's there a good doc to learn about GLADE_CATALOG_PATH and how
can i include my own catalog? is an environment variable? Must my app
include the catalog on GLADE_CATALOG_PATH when launching?



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