[Glade-users] g_signal_handlers_block_by_func

Peyman paskari007 at yahoo.ca
Mon Jul 27 10:29:48 EDT 2009


Has anyone run into problems with block_by_func? I want to know  
whether I am blocking and forgetting to unblock, or whether it is a  
buy. I have two functions:

int block(void){
	GtkComboBox *comboBox;

	//assume I get pointer to my combo box

	g_signal_handlers_block_by_func(comboBox, on_combo_box_changed,NULL);
	//more blocks bellow

int unblock(void){
	GtkComboBox *comboBox;

	//assume I get pointer to my combo box

	g_signal_handlers_unblock_by_func(comboBox, on_combo_box_changed,NULL);
	//more unblocks bellow

after I call block-unblock, on_combo_box_changed ceases to function,  
but the others function normally...what is going on? Is it programming  
error on my part, or has there been a bug reported on this.


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