[Glade-users] setting a radio button group

Damon Register damonregister at bellsouth.net
Sat May 10 22:59:38 EDT 2008

Paul Emsley wrote:
> Hi Tristan, 
> Thanks for your reply.
> So, just to be clear, the way glade-3 now works is as 
> described here.  In olden glade, the user specified (typed in) the 
> group for the first radio button and all the others in the same group.
> That is not how new glade-3 works.
Maybe I should be glad that I only recently am learning glade.  I am
already confused enough and having to change thinking is more confusing

> In glade-3, the group is set by subsequent radio buttons in the group
> attaching themselves (somehow) to the first radio button in the group.
Thanks to your post, I was able to create a group of radio buttons and
my little test app shows the three buttons that behave as expected.
The only problem I have is not being about to figure out the signaling
for radio buttons.  In Glade, which signal handler do I select and what
is the C code to handle it?  Although I am using Glade 3.4.3 for Windows
with gtk provided by gtk-dev-2.12.9-win32-2.exe and msys to build, I
hope that whatever I learn here is equally applicable to other systems
such as Solaris or Linux.

> Yes, as you predict, test-libglade makes the new radiobuttons 
> work properly.
I got a little curious so I looked for test-libglade.  I didn't find
it anywhere in the Glade or GTK directories so just downloaded the
libglade tarball.  I found test-libglade-gtk and was able to compile it
but couldn't get it to work with any of the glade files that were in
that were in the /libglade-2.6.2/examples directory.  Am I going down
the wrong path there?

While searching Google for help in this area, I came across something
from the gtk-app-devel-list.

 >    * From: Tristan Van Berkom <tvb gnome org>
 >    * To: Michael Torrie <torriem chem byu edu>
 >    * Cc: gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
 >    * Subject: Re: libglade frustration
 >    * Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 14:16:26 -0500
 >This is a real real real shame, this file that sits in svn as a part
 >of the package, is situated in the most obvious place to find out
 >things about the actual package, its in the actual package itself.
This didn't seem very encouraging.  I may be a little slow in this area
but I did download the tarball as suggested but was not able to find the
exact test-libglade mentioned here and what I did find didn't work for
me.  Perhaps I am getting off the track anyway as that thread didn't
seem to specifically mention radio buttons.  I was just trying to search
for examples that might help.

Even with limited examples it wasn't hard to figure out the basics of a
libglade program and I was able to create my own demo app to try some
simple controls such as buttons, checkboxes and edit windows but I am
stuck on getting radio buttons to work.  I would really appreciate any

Damon Register

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