[Glade-users] reading from xml documents to combo boxes

Tristan Van Berkom tvb at gnome.org
Thu Mar 13 12:50:45 EDT 2008

On Thu, Mar 13, 2008 at 12:38 PM, Atmadarshini devi dasi
<atmadarshini_dd at yahoo.com> wrote:
> hi there
> I am trying to implement an address book and am using glade as the tool to
> design my graphical user interface. I am programming in c and saving in an
> xml document.
> my graphical user interfce window consists of a combo box and a few text
> entry boxes.
> Now what I am trying to do is to read in from my xml documents into the
> combo box and text entry boxes.
> When i read into my text entry box, it is a success but I am having problems
> reading into my combo box. I know that the part where i get the information
> from the xml file is working because i can read the content onto the console
> window.
> I have pasted the code where i am trying to read into the combo box below.
> Please tell me where I am going wrong. Thank you.
> GtkWidget *vlname_entry_widget =
> lookup_widget(GTK_WIDGET(view_address_window), "vlname_combo");
> gtk_combo_box_set_active (GTK_COMBO_BOX(vlname_entry_widget),
> address->lastname);


"lastname" here should be an integer.


> in the code above, address->lastname is pointing to the lastname node in the
> xml document
> GtkWidget *vfname_entry_widget =
> lookup_widget(GTK_WIDGET(view_address_window), "vfname_entry");
>     gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(vfname_entry_widget), address->firstname);
> this code above works fine. I can read the entry into the text entry box.
> please help.
> Thanks
> Aakanksha
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