[Glade-users] Problem with custom PyGTK widgets within Glade

Darwin Bautista djclue917 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 08:23:10 EST 2007

Hi all,

This is the first time that I've tried to create custom widgets
(written in Python) for use within Glade so I'm pretty much lost here.
I followed the tutorial here:

and came up with ma3xwidgets.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<glade-catalog name="ma3x" library="ma3xwidgets" domain="glade3"
depends="gtk+" language="python">
		<glade-widget-class title="Date" name="Date"></glade-widget-class>
		<glade-widget-class title="Time" name="Time"></glade-widget-class>
	<glade-widget-group name="ma3x-widgets" title="MA3X Widgets">
		<glade-widget-class-ref name="Date"/>
		<glade-widget-class-ref name="Time"/>

and ma3xwidgets.py:

from ma3x.widgets import Time, Date

Unfortunately, when I run Glade, I get the error below:

(glade-3:29883): GladeUI-CRITICAL **: Unable to load module
'ma3xwidgets' from any search paths

(glade-3:29883): GladeUI-WARNING **: Failed to load external library

The catalog file and the support module are both in the right places
(/usr/share/glade3/catalogs and /usr/lib/glade3/modules respectively)
but I'm getting nowhere. I've ran out of ideas as to why Glade can't
load the support module (ma3xwidgets.py).

I don't know if my build of glade/libglade/pygtk are missing some
magical ./configure flags.
Help will be very much appreciated. Thanks.

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