[Glade-users] creating Inivisble buttons

tman4343 nolife4343 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 16:13:13 EDT 2007

I am new to glade but am very impressed.  Seems like there is finally a linux
answer to visual studio.  I am however, having a problem.  I have a nice
background jpg that i have loaded into an 'image' widget. The jpg has
buttons images built on to it.  I would like to make those buttons work.  I
can put a button widget over them and can get the code to do what i want. 
But, I would like to make the button invisible so the user only sees the
images that are built onto the background image.  I have set the button's
visible property to false...and that has made it hidden.  But when I do
this, clicking on the location of the button does nothing.  This makes me
assume that a visible=false means that it is also disabled.  I have tried
replacing the button with a image widget and load a transparent gif into it. 
This looks ok, but I have not found a way to generate an easy onclick method
for the image widget.  Basically, I want the user to only see the background
image and to be able to click on the buttons and have functionality.  Does
anyone have some suggestions as to how I could accomplish this?

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/creating-Inivisble-buttons-tf4250832.html#a12098228
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