[Glade-users] segfault after widget destroy

Karla Stenger kstenger@montevideo.com.uy
Fri, 12 Mar 2004 20:50:43 -0300

Look at my code at http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/a-renet/client-gtk/

> Does it contain any code that you wrote?  For instance, usually it'll=20
> have a long traceback like that, but eventually show something that was=20
> written into the code.  However, the way this looks and not knowing any=20
> more about it, I'd say maybe you have a memory leak somewhere else in=20
> your code.  Those can cause these kind of crashes.
> Cheers,
> Rikke

| Karla  M=AA  Stenger  S=E1bat   |
| Pando . Canelones . Uruguay |
| kstenger@montevideo.com.uy  |