[Glade-users] file manager
Chaitanya RD Kulkarni
Chaitanya RD Kulkarni" <cboom@rediffmail.com
24 Feb 2004 06:46:24 -0000
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<P>=0Ahi all!<BR>=0Ai want to know whether it is possible to create a file =
viewer using Glade?<BR>=0Aif the viewer just shows list of all the files on=
the system, its fine. i.e. i want only this functionality + some man=
ipulations using the file names. i want to use only FILE NAMEs & not th=
eir contents. so a viewer showing just the list of all files is all that i =
want.<BR>=0Aif it's not possible, would anyb'dy pls tell me abt some simple=
(simple from point of view of their source code)file viewers written using=
gtk & c?<BR>=0Ahow to create menus in glade?<BR>=0AAnybody who knows p=
ls mail back.<BR>=0AThanking you,<BR>=0AChaitanya.=0A</P>=0A<br><br>=0A<A t=
arget=3D"_blank" HREF=3D"http://clients.rediff.com/signature/track_sig.asp"=
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hi all!=0Ai want to know whether it is possible to create a file viewer usi=
ng Glade?=0Aif the viewer just shows list of all the files on the system, i=
ts fine. i.e. i want only this functionality + some manipulations using th=
e file names. i want to use only FILE NAMEs & not their contents. so a view=
er showing just the list of all files is all that i want.=0Aif it's not pos=
sible, would anyb'dy pls tell me abt some simple (simple from point of view=
of their source code)file viewers written using gtk & c?=0Ahow to create m=
enus in glade?=0AAnybody who knows pls mail back.=0AThanking you,=0AChaitan=