[Glade-users] glade-2 ported to windows?
Wed, 6 Aug 2003 14:52:31 +0200
Hi list,
due to some framegrabber trouble I seem to be forced to temporarily run my
under Windos :-(.
The pitty is I converted the projects to glade-2 meanwhile and now I'd
need glade-2
for Windows or at least a good advice how to hack configure.sh et al to
get it all
compiled (preferably in the cygwin enfiroment).
Any hints?
Franz Parzefall
Vision Systems
Multitest elektronische Systeme GmbH
Aeussere Oberaustr. 4
83026 Rosenheim
Tel: +49 (0)8031 406 473
Fax: +49 (0)8031 406 420
Email: f.parzefall@multitest.de
Web: www.multitest.de
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