[Glade-devel] GtkButton/GtkActivatable insensitive properties bug

Juan Pablo Ugarte juanpablougarte at gmail.com
Wed Oct 17 22:34:36 UTC 2012

As you probably notice I broke some properties sensitivity in widgets
that implement GtkActivatable.
The most important being GtkButton.


As tristan suggested in the bug thread, we could simply revert the
change that exposed this bug and move on but since I am already in the
middle of this mess I would like to fix it properly.
This is why I am asking for you to try this patch on top of 3.14.1 and
let me know if you find anything weird related to properties
Btw I also included a test file with lots of GtkActivatable widgets in
the bug report so let me know if I missed someone.


Juan Pablo
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