[Glade-devel] please help: bug: glade2 file conversion to glade3 failed

Tristan Van Berkom tristan.van.berkom at gmail.com
Tue Nov 24 13:57:53 EST 2009

On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Tristan Van Berkom
<tristan.van.berkom at gmail.com> wrote:
>  - You can introduce stock icons using the GtkIconFactory object
> available with GtkBuilder
>  - The GnomeDateEdit missing displayable value reflects a missing
> translatable string in Glade's backend
>    (seems the GTK+ backend handles some gnome types possibly, for
> some minor conversions at load time)
>  - People generally use GtkTreeView for what they used to use GtkCList for
>  - As far as "getting your Glade file to work", As I said, I removed
> the <requires> line as I saw it was only
> needed for the icon definitions and Glade
>    did not crash - for your app to look normal; the "orientation"
> property of every GtkOrientable widget
>    must be set properly, google might find you a script for this as
> its a common problem, or, you might
>    write one and tell google about it, or somebody might just fix the
> bug in GTK+.

Oops hit send prematurely but the letter was done, essentially considering
the shear size of your UI, converting it to use GtkBuilder will not be such
an easy task - you will at least have to understand GtkTreeView for instance...

Anyway good luck with your project,


> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 4:34 PM, Saku Masukita
> <sakumasukita at googlemail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 4:39 PM, Tristan Van Berkom
>> <tristan.van.berkom at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Yes, generally that just means replacing calls to glade_xml_new()
>>> with gtk_builder_add_from_file(), and then glade_xml_get_widget()
>>> with gtk_builder_get_object() (i.e. the api is very small).
>>> The bulk of your work to use GtkBuilder would be to get rid
>>> of the gnome widgets essentially, which is something you
>>> would want to do anyway for new code.
>>> >
>>> > Obviously something needs to be done for me to be able to open the
>>> > file with glade-3, but I am not sure exactly what. Any ideas?
>>> The warnings are normal (as we actually need people to contribute
>>> artwork for those missing icons), the segfault I cant tell by looking into
>>> your file, but I was able to do something with it.
>>> After looking at the segfault (which I didnt reproduce because I didnt
>>> build the gnome catalog here...) I found that you do not use any gnome
>>> widgets (good first of all for you), only gnome stock icons.
>>> So, after removing the <requires/> line from your Glade file I loaded
>>> up with no segfault, but horizontally.
>> Yes, I was in fact aware of the fact that I had not used any gnome-specific
>> code. So I cannot really explain to myself why the glade 2 GUI builder had
>> placed the <requires lib="gnome"/> XML element in the XML file but I
>> guess glade 2 is history now so it's probably not worth fixing such bug.
>> Actually the reason might seem to be the fact that I have used some
>> gnome icons in the glade 2 XML file despite not using any actual widgets.
>> Here are the gnome icons from the glade 2 XML file which I seem to have
>> been using (seem like these icons correspond to the stock property):
>> stock property:
>> gnome-stock-text-numbered-list
>> gnome-stock-multiple-file
>> gnome-stock-mail-new
>> gnome-stock-about
>> gnome-stock-book-blue
>> gnome-stock-book-yellow
>> gnome-stock-book-red
>> gnome-stock-book-green
>> So, I'm not sure what the corresponding icons would be in
>> the most recent Gtk icons if any at all. But I guess this is
>> what I need to fix. Otherwise can I not just simply copy
>> these gnome icons to my source code tree and somehow
>> import them into glade-3 from there?
>> Otherwise what should I do? Should I just delete these lines
>> to get it to work? Because right now despite deleting the
>> <requires lib="gnome"/> tag I still get the segmentation
>> fault.
>> Plus I just don't understand what these complaints about
>> GnomeDateEdit which I don't see used within the glade 2
>> file are. And the names of the icons from the warnings do
>> not appear inside the glade 2 file either. I am confused.
>> I guess 4034 is just an error code (apart from the segfault).
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> GladeUI-Message: No displayable values for property GtkScaleButton::size
>> GladeUI-Message: No displayable values for property GtkImage::icon-size
>> (glade-3:4034): GladeUI-WARNING **: No icon named 'widget-gtk-sizegroup' was
>> found for object class 'GtkSizeGroup'.
>> (glade-3:4034): GladeUI-WARNING **: No icon named 'widget-gtk-accelgroup'
>> was found for object class 'GtkAccelGroup'.
>> (glade-3:4034): GladeUI-WARNING **: No icon named 'widget-gtk-adjustment'
>> was found for object class 'GtkAdjustment'.
>> (glade-3:4034): GladeUI-WARNING **: No icon named 'widget-gtk-uimanager' was
>> found for object class 'GtkUIManager'.
>> (glade-3:4034): GladeUI-WARNING **: No icon named
>> 'widget-gtk-treemodelfilter' was found for object class
>> 'GtkTreeModelFilter'.
>> (glade-3:4034): GladeUI-WARNING **: No icon named 'widget-gtk-treemodelsort'
>> was found for object class 'GtkTreeModelSort'.
>> (glade-3:4034): GladeUI-WARNING **: No icon named 'widget-gtk-treeselection'
>> was found for object class 'GtkTreeSelection'.
>> (glade-3:4034): GladeUI-WARNING **: No icon named 'widget-gtk-statusicon'
>> was found for object class 'GtkStatusIcon'.
>> (glade-3:4034): GladeUI-WARNING **: No icon named 'widget-gtk-textbuffer'
>> was found for object class 'GtkTextBuffer'.
>> (glade-3:4034): GladeUI-WARNING **: No icon named 'widget-gtk-texttag' was
>> found for object class 'GtkTextTag'.
>> GladeUI-Message: No displayable values for property GtkTextTag::direction
>> (glade-3:4034): GladeUI-WARNING **: No icon named 'widget-gtk-texttagtable'
>> was found for object class 'GtkTextTagTable'.
>> (glade-3:4034): GladeUI-WARNING **: No icon named 'widget-gtk-filefilter'
>> was found for object class 'GtkFileFilter'.
>> GladeUI-Message: 1 missing displayable value for
>> GnomeDateEdit::dateedit-flags
>> GladeUI-Message: No displayable values for property
>> GnomeIconList::selection-mode
>> Segmentation fault
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> To fix the horizontalness, I'm not sure if someone attached a script
>>> to the bug that does that (since your file is considerably large and
>>> a PITA to fix by hand), fixing it by hand means fixing the orientation
>>> property of each vbox/vpaned etc in the project.
>> Yeah, maybe a script is needed, but since I don't really understand what
>> the replacements should be I am also not sure about how to write such
>> script.
>>> I got a bunch of errors from CList, seems support for CList somehow
>>> got broken in Glade, however your file still seems to load and save ok,
>>> Im not sure whats going on with your CList children (ofcourse you will
>>> have to drop deprecated GtkCList anyway to move on to GtkBuilder).
>> So what do I use in place of GtkCList or CList?
>>> In terms of litterature I think there is not much, its better for you to
>>> stick with some tutorials, reference manuals, the source and irc I
>>> would think.
>> Thank, I will have a look at these as well, but what other modifications
>> did you make to the glade file to get it to work?
>> Thanks,
>> Saku Masukita

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