[Glade-devel] Glade 3.2.1 released
Tristan Van Berkom
tvb at gnome.org
Wed May 2 16:38:31 EDT 2007
This is a bugfix release of glade and contains some crutial bugfixes,
workarounds for some embedded workspace related segfaults, the nasty
cut/paste bug, some translations and is basically full of good stuff
fresh from the oven
please enjoy,
- the Glade dudes
What is Glade ?
Glade is a RAD tool to enable quick & easy development of user
for the Gtk+ toolkit and the GNOME desktop environment.
The user interfaces designed in Glade are stored in XML format,
enabling easy integration with external tools.
In particular libglade can load the XML files and create the interfaces
at runtime. The DTD for the XML files is included with libglade, and is
also at http://glade.gnome.org/glade-2.0.dtd.
Other tools are available which can turn the XML files into source code
in languages such as C++, Perl and Python.
Glade 3.2.1
- Some win32 build issues fixed - Olivier Delhomme
- Add "GNOME" to Categories (love bug 417618) - Bruno Boaventura
- Property ordering fixed (bug 396436) -
Juan Pablo Ugarte/Christian Persch
- "label" property of GtkToolButton now translatable -
Tristan Van Berkom
- dont use sscanf in (de)serialization (bug 424547) -
Christian Persch/Ivan Baldo
- workaround "hierarchy-changed" signal crashes in filechooserdialog
(bug 415021) - Juan Pablo Ugarte
- unichar property charachers now properly displayed -
Juan Pablo Ugarte
- Cut/Pasted widgets now behave as expected (bug 432519) -
Tristan Van Berkom
- Inspector expands/scrolls to position upon selections
(bug 392225) - Vincent Geddes
- Negative integer properties work properly now (bug 434207) -
Jeff Westerinen
- Workaround for inputdialog crashes (bug 433975) -
Juan Pablo Ugarte
- Fixed some irrelevent runtime warnings - Juan Pablo Ugarte
New and updated translations
- Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle (pt_BR)
- Ilkka Tuohela (fi)
- Simos Xenitellis, Nikos Charonitakis (el)
- Abel Cheung (zh_HK, zh_TW)
- Daniel Nylander (sv)
- Maxim Dziumanenko (uk)
- Luca Ferretti (it)
- Djihed Afifi (ar)
- Ani Peter (ml)
- Takeshi AIHANA (ja)
- Nickolay V. Shmyrev (ru)
- Jovan Naumovski (mk)
- Alexander Shopov (bg)
- David Lodge (en_GB)
- Gabor Kelemen (hu)
- Duarte Loreto (pt)
- Gintautas Miliauskas (lt)
- Stéphane Raimbault (fr)
- Laurent Dhima (sq)
- Pema Geyleg (dz)
- Jorge Gonzalez, Claudio Saavedra (es)
- Kjartan Maraas (nb)
- Peter Bach (da)
Where can I get it ?
For more information consult our home page at http://glade.gnome.org/
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