[Glade-devel] Glade: toplevel widget embedding

Vincent Geddes vgeddes at metroweb.co.za
Sun Oct 8 06:33:25 EDT 2006

On Sat, 2006-10-07 at 20:42 -0400, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
> Good point,
>     I would imagine that a convenience proxy object would be responsable 
> for
> observing the project's selection and showing the correct toplevel 
> depending
> on the selection... no need for a glade_widget_show ()
> Cheers,
>                        -Tristan

On this topic, I would actually like to remove `glade_widget_show()' and
`glade_widget_hide()' from the libgladeui API since I think they don't
really make sense anymore. All GladeWidgets should be visible by
default. GladeWidgets will only hidden if they are parentless (and hence
not in a GladeDesignLayout). 

The only thing is that the Undo/Redo code in glade-command.[ch] uses
_show() and _hide() when showing widgets that have been re-created or
hiding widgets that have just been created. So we would need to work
around that.   

What do you think?

- Vincent

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