[Glade-devel] [PATCH] removed some forward enum declarations

Murray Cumming murrayc at murrayc.com
Mon Dec 18 07:10:53 EST 2006

On Mon, 2006-12-18 at 12:57 +0100, Oliver Nittka wrote:
> Murray Cumming wrote:
> > Isn't that definition already in some other source file?
> Nope

Cool. Thanks.

>  the forward declarations all directly preceeded their actual
> definitions, in the same header file. I didn't have to move anything around.
> The one exception was GladeItemAppearance, which was forward declared in
> glade.h, but the forward declaration was not needed at all (or so it
> seemed to me).
> The patch deals only with header files, and only shifts the typedef by a
> few lines.
>   --o
Murray Cumming
murrayc at murrayc.com

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