[Glade-devel] glade-3 and GtkTreeView

David M. Cook dave at davidcook.org
Tue Oct 18 08:25:05 EDT 2005

On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 01:09:47PM +0200, Hans Kramer wrote:

> I am not familiar enough with these kind of widgets and their complexity
> to make any smart suggestions here. Nonetheless, I think it would rather
> convenient to design the ModelView inside Glade as well, instead of
> adding them later on inside the application.

Check out the latest SVN of gazpacho and kiwi (unfortunately, the docs
aren't the greatest).  The kiwi widgets allow you to match attributes of
your model with list columns.


Admittedly, I haven't tried this myself, but at least you can treat this as
a technology preview.

Dave Cook

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