[Glade-devel] Glade3 Problems
Michael Terry
Sat, 19 Feb 2005 15:44:06 -0500
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Hello, gentle glade maintainers.
I was in the progress of working on some HIG issues that glade2 has (in
particular, bug 76402
(http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3D76502)). I noticed that
there are lots of HIG issues beyond just that bug and was thinking of
doing some larger scale HIG work.
However, I notice that you are no longer actively developing glade2.
Should I bother HIGifying glade2 or should I focus on glade3? I tried
to use glade3, but I hit an error that I don't know how to fix. Does
this look like a problem you've run into before?
I can compile/run glade-3 fine. When I click on the new window widget
button, though, glade-3 crashes with the console error message "glade-3:
symbol lookup error: /home/mike/Code/fakeroot/lib/glade/libgladegtk.so:
undefined symbol: glade_placeholder_new".
If I click on the new dialog box widget button, I also get a crash with
the message "glade-3: symbol lookup
error: /home/mike/Code/fakeroot/lib/glade/libgladegtk.so: undefined
symbol: glade_widget_class_get_by_name".
My setup:
I have a GNOME-CVS build root in /home/mike/Code/fakeroot
/home/mike/Code/fakeroot/lib is a symbolic link
to /home/mike/Code/fakeroot/lib64
I used these commands to compile/install glade (with LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
PKG_CONFIG_PATH, and PATH all prefixed with the appropriate build root
./autogen.sh --prefix=3D/home/mike/Code/fakeroot
make all install
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