[Glade-devel] Embedding glade in other applications (like IDE)

John (J5) Palmieri johnp@martianrock.com
Wed, 07 Jan 2004 10:16:20 -0500

Since we in the Scaffold community has started working on a concrete API
(you rock Gustavo), perhaps some sort of API might emerge from there. 
Eventualy Scaffold wants to have Glade integrated so hopefully this will
happen in a resonable amout of time :-)


On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 09:45, bighead@users.sourceforge.net wrote:
> Hey
> We won't be using ORBit or some other middleware. I remember I had a informal
> discussion on this with Jeroen (one of the, if not the, lead programmers on
> Scaffold -  an IDE), and campd, and we had thought that it would be just 
> simple and nice to provide a simple C interface. And on top of that people
> can make bindings for languages like C++, Ruby, Java, Python etc..
> Now, work towards making this happen hasn't been deliberately started, but
> the way the code in glade-3 works is such that it is possible to do so with
> relative ease. This is because all components are seperate classes (good ol'
> OO programming :D).
> All we need is
> 1) some more discussion on a standard API
> 2) someone to code a shared library layer to encapsulate all of these
> components
> Both relatively simple (Hey! This ain't the GtkFileSelector :-) ) to do if
> someone gets down to it
> Cheers!
> Archit
> Sridhar R <sridharinfinity@yahoo.com> writes:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm not sure whether glade-2 supports this (i.e. using
> > glade as a widget or component within applications
> > like IDE).
> > Somewhere else I saw glade-3 people are working
> > componetizing glade.
> > 
> > I am actually working on a IDE project.  In that, I
> > like to use glade as the GUI designer (instead of
> > reinventing the same wheel).
> > 
> > But the problem is using glade within application. 
> > Also my application is intended to be portable to all
> > platforms where gtk is portable.  
> > 
> > My doubt is how can I use glade-3 within my own IDE
> > project.  Do glade-3 uses ORBit or something else.  If
> > so, is that library (eg. ORBit) portable to non-UNIX
> > systems like MS-Windows?  Well. where can I get
> > started?
> > 
> > Currently the only trivial solution is to hack on
> > glade sources to use them in my project. (But that
> > isn't good way as it is very difficult to keep with
> > glade cvs).
> > 
> > Looking for you answers ....
> > 
> > =====
> > Regards,
> > Sridhar R <r_sridhar@users.sf.net>
> > http://sridhar.has.it
> > 
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