[Glade-devel] Re-ordering the glade-3 palette
Paolo Borelli
Wed, 04 Feb 2004 12:03:40 +0100
On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 02:36 -0800, Joaquin Cuenca Abela wrote:
> > IMHO "Obsolete" should remain separate and only
> > contain deprecated
> > widgets.
> What about widgets that are going to be deprecated?
> There are a bunch of widgets in gtk+ that are just
> gimp legacy (gamma, rulers, etc.), and the docs state
> that in the future they will be put in a separate
> library. So even if they are not "obsolete" in a
> strict sense (there is no new widget that does what
> the old widget did), I will still want to put them in
> the "Obsolete" category (or Miscellaneous).
I didn't know about those :) anyway I totally agree.
I was mostly thinking of widgets deprecated in gtk2-[024] like clist,
optionmenu etc.
> I think that truly obsolete widgets, as
> Gtk[C]{List,Tree} should just be removed. If someone
> really wants to use them, he's on his own. We don't
> need to make it easy.
Yeah, again 100% agree.
My only little concern is what happens when you try to open a glade
project which uses these widget?
Anyway it's something far from high prio, since we still have *not*
deprecated widgets which are broken ;-)