[Glade-devel] libglade ideas
Olexiy Avramchenko
Thu, 08 Apr 2004 10:10:41 +0300
todd wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm building an application that is relying heavily on libglade and
> another xml binding. I've noticed that because every part of the UI is
> built using glade and loaded using libglade that there is a noticeable
> performance lag in loading the .glade files. To give you an idea of the
> size of these interface files here is a line count.
> 195 simo-attached-documents.glade
> 1030 simo_calendar_view.glade
> 202 simo_dialogs.glade
> 1306 simo_event_view.glade
> 278 simo-fsa-msa-hsa-reimbursements-eob.glade
> 3314 simo.glade
> 1799 simo-home-view.glade
> 1305 simo-person-med-visit-detail.glade
> 101 simo-person-med-visit-summary.glade
> 100 simo-person-summary.glade
> 1009 simo-person-view.glade
> 563 simo-plan-reimbursements-eob.glade
> 152 simo_plan_view.glade
> 158 simo-provider-payments.glade
> 343 simo-sidebar-dialogs.glade
> 11551 simo-wizards.glade
> 23406 total
> I'm not loading them all at once; In fact I only load them once and
> only when that part of the UI is requested. My idea is to provide a
> method for
> dumping the .glade into a binary format. after looking into the
> libglade source it looks like it could be possible to bipass the xml
> parse code if this
> binary file exists and then just fread the data into the libglade hash
> tables. This should improve the load time by reducing the disk io.
> (I think).
Just compress your glade xml files with gzip if you want to reduce disk
io. Libglade and glade UI builder works well with compressed xml files.
> I also learned that this is not an original idea; it is in fact very
> similar to what mozilla has done to improve its startup performance
> with xul. I thought
> this would be something libglade would benefit from and that it would
> be good for me to bring this up on the list.
> Has anyone started work on something like this? If not i'd like to
> start work on it and get as much input as possible about different
> ways to approach
> this.
You can edit text/xml file with any editor from vi to MS Word and
compressed text will take less space than parsed binary file, I beleive.