[Glade-devel] Helping out
Paolo Borelli
Wed, 24 Sep 2003 12:09:02 +0200
On Wed, 2003-09-24 at 11:08, e98cuenc@free.fr wrote:
> > - make additionl catalogs really pluggable: this means having
> > glade-gtk.so, glade-gnome.so, glade-gnome-db.so etc... currently we only
> > have gtk widgets and we lack infrastructure to get the catalogs at run
> > time (see the hack in glade-gtk.c for details)
> I've been working on this point. (I've not said anything in the last 3 weeks
> 'cause I've been on a trip.)
Thats great!
(btw, I hope you enjoyed your trip)
> The naming that I've picked is libglade{whatever}.{so,dll}, being the default
> shipped so libgladegtk.so.
fine by me, I wrote glade-gtk.so just because the file is glade-gtk.c.
> By now, I've just done the linux part. When it will be finished I will commit,
> and then do the windows part.
> David, one thing that you can done to start getting in touch with glade3 is
> executing the program, and see what are the widgets that are not fully
> supported, and what is lacking, and post your findings.
I can try to come up with a list later, but for what I saw, some of the
problems are general, not peculiar of each widget. The main one that I
found is that of "internal-child", i.e. widgets which have some childs
which should be handled internally (e.g. the vbox of a dialog)
This problem affect most of the "composite" widgets, like GtkDialog,
GtkPaned, etc.
Another (easier) issue is that the gtk_widget_fill_empty function does
not work properly, so some containers do not have placeholders and you
can't add widgets to them. Fill empty cannot be hadled sanely in a
generic function, it should become a method of GladeWidgetClass.
I had a patch for this (if I still find it), but I kept it on hold since
it's touching the glade-widget-class code you were reworking.
It should also be noted that this problem has interactions with the
"internal-child" problem.
GtkDialog (which is one of the most used widgets) has also other
- when one is created a dialog should query which kind of buttons the
user wants (see glade2), but we only have the code to do numerical
- there is the problem of the response-id attribute of the buttons in a
dialog, which I don't know how to handle.