[Glade-devel] GIMP Docking Code in glade

Joaquin Cuenca Abela e98cuenc@free.fr
Tue, 27 May 2003 21:08:55 +0200

Paolo wrote:
> Il lun, 2003-05-26 alle 23:36, Mark Finlay ha scritto:
> > Glade3 is looking really nice, the mdi is great, hope to 
> see support 
> > for "recently opened projects", but the basic UI is still 
> the same :/
> > 
> support for recent project is not difficult to add, but currently
> glade-3 depends only on gtk (no gnome libs dependencies) while
> egg-recent is gnome specific... We tried to not have #ifdef 
> GNOME around
> but maybe we can make an exception here... what do you think?

I don't care too much if we depend on egg until we release a version, as
anyway nobody but developers are supposed to use the cvs version.  But
we should drop the dependency as soon as we release.

The used code from egg will then be copy & pasted.  It sucks, but I
don't want to depend on an unstable library.
