[Glade-devel] Extending glade

Alberto Mardegan mardy@despammed.com
Sun, 11 May 2003 19:10:39 +0200

Hi all!
  I'm quite new to Glade and Gtk+ in general, and I don't know much of
how they work.
I'd like to add some custom widgets (a date/time widget comes to mind)
to glade (and therefore libglade, since I intend to keep the interface
part on the XML file), but I don't know what's the best way to do it

Googling around, I've come to this page of the libglade manual,
which states that, except using the custom widget class (which I won't
do), the solution is modifying the libglade sources.

I've looked at the source code of both glade and libglade, and it seems
to me that modifying the sources to add my widgets will not be very
difficult, since there is not too much work to be done.

But is there a way to avoid modifying the sources?
Isn't there a way in Gtk+ to create a widget from a class name, i.e.
a function like

GtkWidget *gtk_new(const gchar *classname)

and then retrieve the modifiable properties of the newly created object,
in order to let the user change them in glade?

I found some old discussion about something like that, but they are old:


What is the actual status of these ideas?

