[Glade-devel] Commit -- fix selection
Owen Taylor
23 Jun 2003 08:09:34 -0400
On Fri, 2003-06-20 at 03:08, Joaquin Cuenca Abela wrote:
> Just a little heads up.
> I've changed how selection works.
> What was broken?
> First, the handlers that draw the nodes:
> There were two version, one for GladeWidget, and one for
> GladePlaceholders.
> The GladeWidget one was using the GdkWindow of the widget directly,
> instead of using the double buffered window. No wonder it didn't work
> correctly, needing the "event_after" hack etc.
Probably not important, but this doesn't make sense... during
expose handling, the double buffered pixmap is all that is available ...
and that applies to ::event-after as well.