[Glade-devel] Glade as Bonobo components

John (J5) Palmieri johnp@martianrock.com
21 Aug 2003 14:36:10 -0400

On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 09:23, Paolo Borelli wrote:
> On Thu, 2003-08-21 at 15:12, Sridhar R wrote:
> > Glade, a great GUI designer for GNOME. But why can't
> > you developers extend that further.  With the
> > development of Glade3, I suggest creating Glade
> > program as Bonobo components, so that IDEs like Anjuta
> > can embbed it so that the environment will look much
> > like Visual C++ in Windows.
> This has already been discussed.
> To cut it short: bonobo is unnecessarily complictaed and introduces many
> dependencies. Glade3 is a tiny and clean implamentation which only
> require gtk+.
> Since it's pretty modular nobody prevents you (or somebody interested)
> to write a bonobo component which wraps glade3 in the same way that
> glimmer wraps gtksourceview.

Scaffold will eventualy get Glade 3 support in it umong other things. 
I've been looking at Glade 3 though I am not doing the development part
for Scaffold as I have other things to get to but rest assured it will
eventualy be integrated which will most likely involve writting Bonobo
wrappers since Scaffold's plugin system is for the most part Bonobo
