[Glade-devel] latest commits + remove GladeWidget->children
Joaquin Cuenca Abela
Wed, 20 Aug 2003 23:58:14 +0200
Looks a good idea
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : glade-devel-admin@lists.ximian.com=20
> [mailto:glade-devel-admin@lists.ximian.com] De la part de=20
> Paolo Borelli
> Envoy=E9 : mercredi 20 ao=FBt 2003 19:42
> =C0 : glade-devel@ximian.com
> Objet : [Glade-devel] latest commits + remove GladeWidget->children
> Hi,
> this afternoon I committed a couple of patches which=20
> add icons to the entries in the project view (used in the=20
> main window and in the widget
> tree) and in the clipboard view.
> Beside in the clipboard view I switched from a GtkTreeStore to a
> GtkListStore: as a matter of fact in the clipboard view we=20
> (and glade2 does the same) just list the widgets on the=20
> clipboard without having a tree of their childrens. Note that=20
> the populate_model[_real] had some code for adding children,=20
> but that was never triggered because was inside an always=20
> false condition.
> A nice side effect of this last change is that the ->children=20
> field of GladeWidget is not used anywhere anymore (exception=20
> made for a couple of places where ->children is assigned and=20
> that can obvoiusly go away): so my next step is to get rid of=20
> ->children in GladeWidget.
> Even if the code impact of this change is small I would like=20
> to have "green light" signal before going on, since it is a=20
> design issue: as a matter of fact I think that originally the=20
> tree structure in GladeWidget (formed by ->parent and=20
> ->children) was considered as the main structure to map the=20
> hierachy of the created GUI and of the xml file. However this=20
> information is redundant since Gtk already has a tree=20
> structure (each gtkWidget has parent and, if it is a container,
> children) and in fact we already use that internal tree to=20
> write the .glade file. IMHO keeping this additional tree=20
> structure is just a pain since it must be kept in sync with=20
> the gtk intenal one (see reparenting in glade_project_add/remove).
> Once GladeWidget->children is gone, GladeWidget->parent=20
> should be easy to kill: introducing a glade_widget_get_parent=20
> function which works as glade_placeholder_get_parent should do.
> Comments welcome :)
> ciao
> paolo
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