[forms-devel] RadioButton and CheckBox PR feedback request

Joonghyun Cho chojoong at gmail.com
Tue Aug 30 07:45:08 UTC 2016


I uploaded one PR about adding the RadioButton Control on Xamarin.Forms.
  -> https://github.com/xamarin/Xamarin.Forms/pull/316

And there is also the PR, "Add a CheckBox", which is implemented to add the
CheckBox control
  -> https://github.com/xamarin/Xamarin.Forms/pull/323

It's been a few days since those PRs were uploaded and I am wondering if
these PRs will get reviewed soon?
Or will they be reviewed after all the renderers are ready (now only
Android renderer is implemented and tested)?

Please can you share your opinions about these PRs with us so that we can
further improve them.
We would really appreciate your help and advice :-)

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